Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Nothing much to say about this. Except that I like gnomes. You can blame David the Gnome for my love of gnomes. That and the fact that their name starts with a silent "g." There is something about that silent "g" that I find hilarious. That is all.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


The summer is coming to an end and the school year is about to start up again. In honor of this, I decided to draw my school's mascot, the tiger. In a fit of creativity I ended up drawing three different tigers. I'm thinking about using one of them to make a t-shirt. Right now I'm leaning towards the middle one. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer 2012 Caricatures

With the summer coming to a close ( I know its just the start of August, but I consider the summer to be wrapping up) I thought I'd share a few of the caricatures I drew at the park. I took these photos with my phone so they aren't the best quality.

We have a caricature of Pres. Obama with the American Flag behind him. This guy wanted the Mexican flag.

Harry Potter bodies...Joy.

Usually I don't color the faces green when I do Hulk bodies, but he was a co-worker so I went for it.


Another co-worker as a female Loki

This was the woman's idea, she wanted them to be fairies in the forest. I tried to keep the guy as manly as I could being a fairy.

This is not a caricature, but something I did because I was bored. Red Skull and Capt. America enjoy a day of roller coasters.

My first ever request for Nightcrawler and I screw up the costume...sigh.