Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Morning Cartoons: Rugged Bear (1953)

I love Humphrey the Bear. I remember as a kid we had a set of shorts starring him. They kind of remind me of Yogi Bear except that he is not smarter-than-the-average-bear. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

It is sad to say that we have lost a pioneer today. It amazes me to think of all Steve Jobs has accomplished in his life. The two main ones being Apple and Pixar. I drew this as a small token of my appreciation. My prayers go out to his family. May God give them comfort in this time of sorrow.

N: Narwhal, Nutria, and Newt

While trying to think of what animal to do for the letter "N" I began to realize that I could not think of many. At the time I could only think of newts and narwhals. That was it! Two animals that names start with the letter "N." I even quizzed other people and they couldn't think of any. I ended up looking it up online and there really aren't that many animals for the letter "N." In honor of this I decided to draw at least three of these creatures in one picture, the narwhal, nutria, and newt.

I was ashamed of myself when I realized that I forgot about the nutria. The nutria is a giant river rat, basically think of the beaver without the tail. The reason I was ashamed is because one summer I worked at a camp, LLYC. At this camp they had made a t-shirt making fun of the nearby town, population 150. The shirt was about a make believe community college were the mascot was the nutria. On the shirt was a picture of a nutria. The reason was that there was a river near by in which nutria were known to live. I loved that shirt and that is why I can't believe I forgot about it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Self Caricature

I work at Six Flags Over Texas. Yesterday was a very slow day. I decided that instead of twiddling my thumbs I would draw a new self caricature. I did this one with no photo references. For those of you who don't know what I look like, let me just say that the likeness is dead on. For those of you who do know what I look like, I'm sorry, I'll do better next time.

P.S. That is Mr. Six crying over the picture I drew of him.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

M: Manatee

I love Manatees. They are just such an unusual yet lovable creature. In my high school days manatees were used for many a punchline as it was always the go-to/0ut-of-left-field kind of thing to put into a joke. Now I work at an elementary school and one of our favorite songs/books is by the multi-talented John Lithgow, called I'm a Manatee. I highly recommend the book. It comes with a cd of Mr. Lithgow singing the song, which is a must while flipping through the pages.

I love manatees so much that I may just do a second "M" post so I can draw some more manatees.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday Morning Cartoons:El Kabong Meets El Kazing

Of all the Hanna/Barbera cartoon characters, Quick Draw McGraw is my favorite, especially because of El Kabong. I wanted to show this cartoon because it has El Kabong in it and it's the first appearance of Snagglepuss. Not only is Snagglepuss in it, but he isn't pink even. They reworked his character so he could be apart of the Yogi Bear Show. So enjoy the toon while I exit stage left.